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UHS challenges each individual to live a life of integrity, inquiry, and purpose larger than the self.

Our Mission

At San Francisco University High School, we engage our community of diverse voices in a transformational experience that embraces the spirited pursuit of learning and empowers purpose larger than self. 


60% of UHS students identify as students of color

48% of UHS faculty identify as faculty of color

57% of UHS trustees identify as trustees of color


490 students enrolled from 98 middle schools 

Students come from 51 different zip codes


$5.4M to the 23% of students who participate in the Financial Aid program

Average tuition cost for families participating in the Financial Aid program: $15,409


119 courses offered, including 95 electives

60% of UHS students will create at least one Independent Study project during their time at UHS


55+ student led clubs and organizations

Over 80% of students take more than the two-year Arts requirement


81% of students play on at least one UHS team per year
across 42 teams and 20 different sports

Testimonial Test

"The spirit of Inquiry is a powerful engine at University High School – teachers can walk into the classroom on the first day expecting students to dive in, headlong."

Byron Philhour, Dean of Teaching and Learning and UHS parent

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"What makes University High School a community is we support each other in order for everyone to reach their full potential."

Alice, Class of 2025

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"At UHS, there are programs specifically designed to encourage students to pursue their interests and strive to make change."

Sean, Class of 2022

Testimonial test 4

"By creating and sustaining safe spaces in and out of the class for students to explore and share their experiences, our community grows closer and more understanding of the web that connects us."

Alexandra Simmons, Dean of Student Life

Belonging at UHS

From our Mentoring Program, to our Institute for Responsive Education, to our Independent Studies Program, UHS embraces education as a transformational experience where students invent and sustain their own vision of success and sense of purpose. 

Explore UHS by clicking the link below:

Virtual admissions packet