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Student-Employee Contact Policy

University High School has strict policies to ensure the safety and well-being of our students including policies on adult-student interactions and mandated reporting of child abuse. Any members of the school community, including students, parents, volunteers, alumni or employees, who have concerns about compliance with any of these policies should contact Nasif Iskander, Acting Head of School, or the Chair of our Board of Directors.


Strong and caring connections between students and faculty/staff form the foundation of a transformational education. Trusting, respectful relationships foster learning and growth, both inside and outside the classroom. Given the critical role that the student-teacher relationship plays at UHS, we must ensure that it is not compromised by actions that, intentionally or unintentionally, cross professional boundaries. Therefore, the following guidelines are in place:

  • An adult must not be alone with a student in a space that cannot be observed by others (e.g., an office with no windows, an automobile).
  • An adult must not socialize with a student or group of students off campus, outside of school-sponsored activities.
  • An adult must not conduct private, personal communication of any kind with a current student on any social media platform (e.g. “friending” a student on Facebook, following a student on Twitter).
  • An adult must not interact with current students by text or e-mail, unless the communication is exclusively related to the adult’s professional work with the student (e.g., a class, a sports team, etc.). When emailing students, employees must use the school’s email system.
  • An adult must not offer preferential treatment or disproportionate/excessive personal attention to any student.

The above guidelines apply not just to interactions with current students, but any interactions with minors with whom an adult interacts as part of his/her employment with UHS, (e.g., 8th grade applicants, siblings of students, former students who are minors, students visiting from other schools, etc.)

If faculty or staff members encounter a situation which requires an exception to any of these guidelines, they must inform their Department Chair or immediate supervisor in advance. If it is not possible to provide the information in advance, the faculty or staff member must inform the Department Chair or immediate supervisor as soon as possible after the exceptional event occurs.

Because we all have ownership in creating a safe learning environment, we expect any member of our community, and require all faculty and staff, to report a concern about a potential violation of these guidelines to the Head of School, the Chief Financial Officer, the Dean of Faculty, or the Dean of Students.


The School expects all of its faculty and staff to demonstrate the highest level of professional and institutional responsibility in their interactions with students. Any personal involvement between a staff member and a student beyond the professional educator-student relationship is prohibited and may lead to disciplinary action up to and including termination. Dating currently enrolled students is prohibited. Similarly, all sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, expressions of "romantic" interest, or other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature are prohibited with respect to students, even if a student initiates, invites, or is apparently accepting of them. Faculty and staff behavior with respect to students must be above reproach. School employees have an obligation to report to the Head of School any behavior they deem inappropriate between an adult employee and a student.


The School recognizes that it has a responsibility to facilitate the prompt reporting of incidents of child abuse and neglect. School employees shall report known or suspected incidents of child abuse in accordance with school regulations and state law (Penal Code 11166). Incidents should be reported to the appropriate child protective services agency immediately with written reports submitted within thirty-six hours of the discovery of the incident. Employees shall fully cooperate with the child protective agencies responsible for reporting, investigating and prosecuting cases of child abuse.

The reporting duties are individual. No supervisor or administrator may impede or inhibit such reporting duties and no person making such report shall be subject to any sanctions for making such report. If an employee believes an incident may be reportable or has any question about whether a matter should be reported, the School encourages the employee to advise the Head of School and/or to consult with the Assistant Head of School and Dean of Faculty to ensure that all incidents are reported promptly and appropriately. This will also ensure that the School is able to provide appropriate support to the student involved.

By law, reports of suspected abuse are confidential, and the School will maintain information concerning suspected abuse in confidence, except as necessary to cooperate with the agency investigating the matter and to provide support to the student involved. In order to protect the safety of the child involved, employees reporting suspected abuse should not share information concerning the report with parents or other parties without consulting with the Head of School and the Dean of Faculty and/or the child protective services agency.


Reports of misconduct can be made to the Anonymous Hotline or to the UHS administrators below:

Anonymous Hotline: 

  • Toll-Free Telephone:
    • English: (833) 640-0004
    • Spanish: (800) 216-1288
  • UHS Administrators:
    • Nasif Iskander, Acting Head of School
      • (415) 447-3100
    • Alexandra Simmons, Dean of Students
      • (415) 447-3109
    • Annie Klebahn, School Counselor
      • (415) 447-3111