In alignment with the larger school's mission, counseling is committed to guiding students to new and useful insights about their relationships with themselves and others. We hope to support meaningful experiences, positive growth, and engagement with each other in the UHS Community and larger world. We strive to support the emotional well-being of all members of the UHS community and engage in various efforts which aim to destigmatize conversations, while also providing information around mental health, adolescent development, healthy recovery, and care.
Below are examples of the variety of topics we explore with students:
- Future goals and college
- Perfectionism and concerns about school performance
Student life
- Balancing extracurricular activities with academics
- Athletic performance
Mental health struggles
- Alcohol/drug/tobacco use and abuse
- Eating disorders and body image
Identity and society
- Gender
- Sexuality
- Trauma
- Race
- Consent, assault, and sex
Common life stressors
- Stress
- Divorce and separations
- Loss of a family member or friend
- Health
- College transitions and graduation
- Friendships and relationships
How We Operationalize Our Mission at University High School
- Parent Ed and Family Seminars with guest speakers
- Individual counseling sessions with students
- Wellness check-ins offered to all students (group or individual formats) and cluster visits
- Discussion and therapeutic groups with students and faculty
- 9th grade HD section on mental health
- Classroom and curricular consultations
- Trauma informed support and response education
- Close partnerships with mentors, Dean of Student Life, Dean of Teaching & Learning, Director of Learning Support, and Director of Health & Wellness
- Faculty Ed workshops
- Referral support services
- Mental health coalition student group advisement
- College transition workshops
Contact the Counselors
General Inquiries:
To reach the counselors by phone: 415-447-3111
Annie Klebahn (she/her)
Kai Harper (he/him)
Sandra Kelly (she/her)
Collaboration with Faculty & Staff at UHS
We regularly collaborate with mentors, faculty, coaches, and staff to facilitate a deeper understanding of how to support students in and outside of the classroom. We also work closely with our Dean of Student Life, Director of Health & Wellness, Dean of Teaching & Learning, and our Director of Learning Support to examine cultural trends regarding mental health, support students who have identified needs, and develop programs for professional development in the realm of mental and emotional health.