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Our Students and Campus


Scholars, artists, athletes and activists, to name a few, make up the 490 students who come from throughout the Bay Area to connect, engage, and share every day at UHS. Our school community is an exciting place to be, thanks to the incredible diversity of people who have come to define it. Although it’s impossible to quantify the intelligence, perspectives, talents, and aspirations that these individuals share, check out our Enrolled Student Profile for a snapshot of who we are. Get to know some of our students in our Student Spotlight.

Over 75 Clubs and Affinity Groups are offered. Students are encouraged to take initiative to develop all-school activities that promote fun and provide a change of pace. We believe that the process of empowering students to create meaningful—and fun!—events provides them with an opportunity to demonstrate responsibility and take ownership over positively influencing school culture. The daily schedule was designed to allow students time to meet. Every year, students invent new clubs and have fun trying out new things. 



UHS is comprised of four campuses: Upper Campus on Jackson Street is home to the History and English Departments, as well as Admissions, College Counseling, and the Head of School's office. Adjacent to Upper Campus, Middle Campus houses the Performing Arts Department, Science Labs, the Student Center, and the Academic Center, which includes Summerbridge and the Dennis A. Collins Library. Directly across the street from Middle Campus is Lower Campus, which includes the Math and Science Departments and Athletics. South Campus on Sacramento Street houses the Languages Department, Visual and Studio Arts, and the uLab.

Our beautiful campus and state of the art facilities provide the spaces for great relationships to blossom, in-depth study to take place, and creativity to be explored. 

To learn more about the UHS California Street
Campus Expansion, click here.