[UHS] Thank you for making a gift to our endowment


Donor Namerequired
First Name
Last Name
You may provide a different billing email at the final stage of this form
Phone Typerequired
Gift Typerequired
Honor/memorial gift

Suggested Giving Levels

Partners in Excellence: $50,000 and up* Visionaries' Circle: $25,000 - $49,000
Scholars' Association: $15,000 - $24,000* Courtyard Council: $10,000 - $14,000*
Julia Morgan Society: $5,000 - $9,000 Head's Circle: $2,500 - $4,999
Jackson Street Friends: $1,000 - $2,400 100% Club: Up to $999

Alumni Giving

Alumni Leadership Circle: $1,000 and up* **
100% Club: Up to $999

 *Leadership donors are invited to a Leadership Donor Party in the Fall.

**Alumni Leadership Circle members are invited to a party at the head of school's home in the spring

Membership at each level is based on cash contributions and matching gifts to the Annual Fund and Breakthrough Summerbridge from July 1 to June 30 of the current fiscal year. Donors will be recognized at their giving level in the Annual Report.
Value 0 or greater. Please do not include commas or decimals

If you would like to mail a check, please select "Pledge" at the top of this form.

Established Endowed Funds


  • The Baker Street Fund
  • The Elizabeth McVey Dawson ’94 Memorial Scholarship Endowment
  • Faculty-Staff Financial Aid Endowment Fund
  • Alumni-Student Endowment for Financial Aid
  • The Cynthia J. Douglas '79 Memorial Scholarship Fund
  • Dennis and Mollie Collins Education Promise Scholarship Fund


  • The Sanger Family Fund


  • The Phyllis R. Sutton Student Support Fund
  • The University Fund


  • The Lamott Endowment for Interdisciplinary Teaching and Curricular Innovation
  • Raymond P. Haas Endowment Fund
  • Sara ’99, Thomas ’02 and Kathryn ’05 McKinley Endowment Fund for Faculty Enrichment
If you choose not to designate a fund, your gift will be directed to where is it most needed.
Please contact me regarding gifts of stock or bitcoin (select "Pledge" at the beginning of this form).
Relationship to UHSPlease select up to 6 choices
Please select up to 6 choices

If you would like to mail a check, please select "Pledge" at the top of this form, and "Pledge" below. 

Payment Information

Please complete captcha below to proceed to payment selection.

Please select a payment typerequired
Billing Addressrequired
Cardholder Namerequired
A pledge may be fulfilled by the end of the fiscal year (July 1-June 30) in which it is made. If you wish to make other arrangements, please contact development@sfuhs.org